Strategy Coaching with CEO Weston Hill

Hey everyone, this will be my 14th year in the tax industry, and I’ve helped countless Tax Professionals and Service Bureaus start and expand their business. If you need assistance growing your tax business, Service Bureau Business, or just picking my brain. I can help! This call will be live on Zoom.

During strategy One-on-One coaching call we focus on:

Social media marketing strategies

Offline marketing strategies

How to start a successful Tax business

Branding your business strategies

Effective operating systems

How to build a Team over 100 Tax Professionals

Planning for the season strategies

How to grow your business to 6-figures

Business strategies

How to create a successful Service Bureau Business

How to build a strong team

How to build effective system and process

Contract and Agreements

How to build and train your team

How to automate your business

How to expand your Services Bureau Business

How to train your virtual assistance

How to recruit new partners

Recommend Tax Courses

How to create an online university

How to set up your company payroll

Pick the CEO Brain


Stop struggling in your tax or Service Bureau business and Schedule your 1-hour Strategy One-on-One coaching session TODAY!!

How it works?

Purchase your 1-hour Strategy One-On-One Coaching Session

Fill out the Business Review Questionnaire

After you complete the Business Review Questionnaire, you will receive a scheduling link to schedule your Strategy One-on-One Coaching session.

Prepare for the coaching session at your scheduled time.

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